it's alive! it's alive!
Ouroboros October submissions are closed.
Thank you for your time, care, and contributions!
Feel free to check out our previous issues and keep an eye out for next year's submission period!

"Crows Talking" by Fish Young (Issue 6.5)
This October, Ouroboros will be reviving our october prompt challenge! We have prepared a plethora of prompts for you to partake in—one for each day of the month—ranging from the macabre to the off-beat to the downright charming.
We also want to see what you make of these prompts—you can submit your work by posting it on Instagram along with the tag #ouroborosoctober24 (story or feed is fine, we don't judge) or by filling out the form linked below. At the end of each week, we'll be picking a winning piece to receive a special prize, and all those pieces (alongside many of the others) will be published in a themed zine in November!
So get ready and dig in, you fangtastic creators—let Ouroboros October begin.
Ouroboros accepts submissions from undergraduate and graduate students currently enrolled at Chapman University, as well as from faculty members and alumni. Submissions must obey the guidelines of their respective format in order to be published in our zine.​
ouroboros october '24 prompts:

general guidelines:
Ouroboros accepts short stories, poetry, excerpts from longer works that stand alone, paintings, drawings, digital art, animation, photography, scripts (5 pages or less), sculptures, and sketches.
Previously published work may not be submitted to Ouroboros.
AI generated images and writing are not accepted.
Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please notify us in the event that it is selected for publication elsewhere.
Ouroboros reserves the right to revoke acceptances/choose not to publish a work for any reason.
Poetry or prose in a speculative fiction genre must respond to one of our Ouroboros October '24 prompts.
Maximum of 4000 words.
.doc, .docx, .pdf, or .txt file type.
A readable font (Times New Roman, Garamond, Calibri, Arial, etc).
Please say if your piece contains any of the following content in the submission notes:
Excessive or grotesque violence.
Mental illness or addiction.
Suicide or self-harm.
fiction guidelines:
Visual art in a speculative fiction genre must respond to one of our Ouroboros October '24 prompts.
Please attempt to capture a high resolution image, series of images, or scan of the work to preserve quality within different formats.
Please limit animations to 2-3 minutes.
.jpg, .jpeg, or .png file type.
Please say if your piece contains any of the following content in the submission notes:
Excessive or grotesque violence.
Mental illness or addiction.
Suicide or self-harm.
art guidelines: