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ouroboros out loud.

We are a narrative podcast written and produced by the editors of Chapman's Ouroboros Magazine, interested in bringing your stories into the world of audio. The plot of this podcast follows The Last, an immortal traveler that must tell the world's best stories to the great Ouroboros in order for the cycle of life to begin anew.


Each episode sees The Last reading stories you submit based on the prompts below! What prompts you choose will decide which episode your piece is read in. If you would like, you may even opt in to reading your own work as another one of The Last’s many voices.


Each episode is structured around a set of themes that will frame the stories you submit, and help make the narrative complete. Below are a list of themes that you will draw upon to craft your story.


episode themes.

Episode 1: The Serpent

Present themes:
Beginnings, staring into the pit, beginning of the end, old friends, symbiotic forces, the power of stories



Episode 2: The Maw

Present themes:
Ideas, vision, senses, creation from imagination, consumption, scent, gagging



Episode 3: The Tail

Present themes:
Leaps of faith, motivation against inevitable doom, sheer cliffs, endings, the wall at the end that is the end, the point of no return, what should never be seen, oblivion


Episode 4: The Venom

Present themes:
Breathing, resentment, exhaustion, voices, choking, divine plague, the wind is alive, perseverance 



Episode 5: The Visitor

Present themes:
Circus, tightrope, lofi-vibes, calming nature, peace, celebrations, outsiders, rule breakers, fall from grace, resolution


Episode 6: The Ribs

Present themes:
Don’t look down, perseverance, unbreakable vows, I get back up, fighting the odds, old habits die hard 



Episode 7: The Ruins

Present themes:
Early humanity, dystopia, carrion feeders, time wasting away, empire, glory, reaching your potential, burnout, destruction


Episode 8: The River

Present themes:
Primordial water, divine intervention, rivals trusting, chained together, a new perspective, crossing the Rubicon


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© 2024 by Ouroboros Magazine. 

Original design by Joie-May Silvers ☺ 

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